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Healthy Lunch



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Macro Nutrient Tracking App

In order to get a general idea of what your overall daily macronutrient and calorie intake is - I recommend trying a nutrition calculator during this program. You can use a food intake tracking app to find out what your current macro-nutrients levels and from there you can adjust accordingly if needed. NutritionIX (free) is a great app to track and automatically calculates your macronutrient intake and more.


Click the nutritionix button above for a easy to use food source / macro nutrient app.

*Miss Emma Troupe is not affiliated with NutritionIX, this is an app I have used for my own use and recommends for clients*


Build lean full body muscle (tone), decrease body fat percentage.


  • Progressive Overload at the Gym: Aim to lift heavier each session / week. Increasing your weights will overload the muscles and allow you to get stronger with how much you can lift. This program isn't about hitting PR's (personal records) but if you have access to the gym and a selection of weights focus on increasing your strength throughout the program.

  • De-load: As you notice your strength increasing week by week, at the mid point of the program (Week 4) you can drop the weight to less/half of what you usually lift. This will help you focus on your form and rest the muscles, body and nervous system while still continuing to build. After Week 4 you can start to increase your weights again to continue building your strength and muscle. 

  • Progressive Overload at Home: If you're limited to equipment and aren't able to increase the amount of weight you're lifting you can still implement progressive overload at home. Pushing past that burning sensation and adding on 2-3, 3-5 more repetitions or add on an extra set of you have the time. This will overload the muscles in order to build and develop.

  • Ensure you are completing the full amount of reps/sets provided and taking rest when recommended. Use the recommended rest provided in the workouts so you can fully work at your potential.



  • To build lean muscle it's important to fuel your muscles with enough calories to change and grow. 
    Eating at Maintenance = Eating what your body needs in order to perform basic functions and maintain muscle mass. Eating slightly more then maintenance will encourage building muscle mass, ultimately enhancing your overall physique.

  • You can implement Reverse Dieting by steadily increasing your overall calorie intake to boost your body's metabolism to work more efficiently. This will allow you to build muscle mass and burn body fat without adding on extra weight.This is usually done once you are coming off of a cut (weight loss) but is effective if you are starting from eating at maintenance. 

  • Increasing Calories: Start by increasing by 100-200 a day for a couple weeks, increase to 300 and so on until you find a threshold that works for YOU. Since we all have different metabolism’s - watching what you eat and how your body is responding is how to know what works best for you and your own physique development. Using a macro-nutrient / calorie tracking app can help you with tracking your intake.

  • Intuitive Eating is the most healthy and holistic way to build a strong relationship with your nutrition. If your hungry for something.. you CAN eat it but keep in mind your fitness goals and how you can adapt your nutrition. If you know you didn't eat enough for your building muscle goals.. eat something to bring you back on track. Experiment with different foods, different macronutrient percentages and find what suits you best. I recommend to track your macro-nutrients before IE to have a general idea of what your body needs on a daily basis. 

  • Add sources of protein to your meals to boost the overall protein content in your daily intake to help encourage muscle building and growth. Have a protein shake to boost your overall protein intake - MUSCLE BUILDING SHAKE RECIPE HERE

  • Carbohydrates are your FRIEND for building muscle mass. Carbohydrates are digested into a form of sugar and stored in the liver to be used as your energy production everyday - not only are they key for energy for your workouts but in combination with protein it helps develop muscle mass. 

  • Recommended Blog Post: Physical and Emotional Reasons why we Binge Eat



  • The chart below is a percentage recommendation of Macro Nutrients (Protein, Carbs and Fat) that should make up your daily intake for building lean muscle. This can be helpful to have a brief idea if you for example you need to eat more protein or less carbs to help you reach your specific goal!

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For Building Muscle: 

  • Aim to have 40-45% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Protein

Chicken, Fish, Turkey, Beef, Seafood, Yogurt, Tofu, Hemp, Quinoa, Legumes/Beans, Peas

  • Aim to have 30-35% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Complex Carbohydrates

Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains (Oats, Breads, Pastas), Sweet Potatoes/Potato, Rices, Honey

  • Aim to have 20% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Healthy Fat

Olive, Avocado and Coconut Oil, Avocado, Nuts and Seeds, Fish, Hemp Hearts

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Loose weight, decrease body fat and build/ tone lean full body muscle.


  • Progressive Overload at the Gym: For weight loss it's important to get your entire body moving and to focus on getting stronger in basic compound movements. Your goal does not need to be to lift as heavy as you can but you do want to get stronger each week. The more muscle you develop, the more body fat percentage will decrease and ultimately your physique will start to change dramatically. Focus on lifting what challenges YOU and as you start to feel yourself getting stronger this is when you start to slowly increase the weights.

  • Progressive Overload at Home: If you're limited to equipment and aren't able to increase the amount of weight you're lifting you can still implement progressive overload and loose weight at home. Rest time frames are provided for you but LESS REST between exercises can help put your body in a harder working state, burn more fat and calories during the workout - similar to a high intensity workout! If you can, push past that burning sensation and add on 2-3, 3-5 more repetitions or add on an extra set of you have the time. This will overload the body in order to change.

  • Ensure you are completing the full amount of reps/sets provided and taking rest when recommended.

  • Take advantage of the Active Rest Day Mini Challenges to keep you moving even on non training days.

  • Wear a fit bit or apple watch to track your calories burned and heart rate activity. Getting your heart rate up will help you drop those extra pounds.


  • For weight loss the KEY is to be in a slight calorie deficit. Calorie Deficit = Eating less to encourage weight loss and fat loss. This can done by burning calories during your workouts, eating less (calorie deficit) or combined.

  • Decreasing Calories: Start by slowly decreasing your calories by 100-200 or more a day for a couple weeks, decrease to 300 or more until you find a threshold that works for YOU Using a macro-nutrient / calorie tracking app can help you with tracking your intake. Since we all have different metabolism’s - watching what you eat and how your body is responding is how to know what works best for you and your own physique development.

  • After your weight loss / cutting journey you can implement Reverse Dieting by steadily increasing your overall calorie intake to boost your body's metabolism to work more efficiently. This will allow you to continue in your fitness journey without adding back on extra weight that you've worked hard too lose. (Read Building Muscle Tips for more info)

  • Intuitive Eating is the most healthy and holistic way to build a strong relationship with your nutrition. If your hungry for something.. you CAN eat it but keep in mind your fitness goals (this is where intuitive comes in) and how you can adapt your nutrition. If you know you ate"more then needed" for your weight loss goals.. the next day aim to slightly reduce to bring you back on track. Experiment with different foods, different macronutrient percentages and find what suits you best.

  • Slightly reducing your portion sizes will help you get into a calorie deficit. Having a smaller portion size with high protein, balanced carbohydrates and fats will help you drop the extra pounds and decrease your body fat percentage.

  • Making subtle switches to from cow’s milk to almonds milk, red meat to leaner meat like chicken or fish, granola to oats etc. can easily help you reduce your overall daily calorie intake to help with weight loss and fat loss.

  • There are several other factors that come into play with weight loss - stress management, digestion, hormones and mental health are all huge factors that can play a roll in halting your weight loss journey. Try to reduce the stress, focus on your health and eating holistically to strengthen the digestive system, hormones and body.

  • Recommended Blog Post: Food and Factors that Contribute to Belly Fat


  • The chart below is a percentage recommendation of Macro Nutrients (Protein, Carbs and Fat) that should make up your daily intake for weight loss / cutting. This can be helpful to have a brief idea if you for example you need to eat more protein or less carbs to help you reach your specific goal!

Anchor 2


For Weight Loss: 

  • Aim to have 45% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Protein

Chicken, Fish, Turkey, Beef, Seafood, Yogurt, Tofu, Hemp, Quinoa, Legumes/Beans, Peas

  • Aim to have 30% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Complex Carbohydrates

Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains (Oats, Breads, Pastas), Sweet Potatoes/Potato, Rices, Honey

  • Aim to have 15-20% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Healthy Fat

Olive, Avocado and Coconut Oil, Avocado, Nuts and Seeds, Fish, Hemp Hearts

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Build / Bulk full body muscle, gain healthy weight and build your curves.


  • Progressive Overload at the Gym: To bulk the key is to overload the muscles and aim to lift heavier each session / week. Increasing your weights increase your strength and in combination with a calorie surplus this will allow you to gain healthy weight and muscle mass / bulk. If you have access to the gym and a selection of weights focus on increasing your strength throughout the program and getting stronger in basic lifts.

  • De-load: As you notice your strength increasing week by week, at the mid point of the program (Week 4) you can drop the weight to less/half of what you usually lift. This will help you focus on your form and rest the muscles, body and nervous system while still continuing to build. After Week 4 you can start to increase your weights again to continue building your strength and muscle. 

  • Progressive Overload at Home: If you're training from home and don't have access to heavier weights - you can still develop muscle and gain weight / bulk from home. You will need to put effort into your nutrition to get in more calories in order to grow the muscles and build the body. Push past that burning sensation and add on more repetitions or add on an extra set of you have the time. This will overload the muscles in order to build and develop!

  • Ensure you are completing the full amount of reps/sets provided and taking rest when recommended. Taking MORE REST during a workout in between exercises can be beneficial for gaining weight to allow the body to lift more and heavier.


  • For weight gain your body needs FUEL so the KEY is to be in a calorie surplus. Calorie Surplus = Eating more calories (from good sources to encourage weight gain and muscle growth. This is best to be done in combination with exercise to gain healthy weight, build muscle mass and maintain a healthy body fat percentage.

  • You can implement Reverse Dieting by steadily increasing your overall calorie intake to boost your body's metabolism to work more efficiently. This will allow you to build lean healthy muscle mass without adding on too much extra weight. This is usually done once you are coming off of a cut (weight loss) but is effective for lean bulking. 

  • Increasing Calories: Start by increasing by 200-300 a day for a couple weeks, increase to 400-500 for another couple of weeks (or longer) and find a healthy threshold that works for you and your weight gain journey. The key is to get those calories HIGHER! Using a macro-nutrient / calorie tracking app can help you with tracking your intake. Since we all have different metabolism’s watching what you eat and how your body is responding is how to know what works best for you and your own physique development. 

  • Intuitive Eating is the most healthy and holistic way to build a strong relationship with your nutrition. If you know you didn't eat enough for your weight gain goals.. eat something to bring you back on track. Experiment with different foods, different macronutrient percentages and find what suits you best. IE can take some time but it all comes down with knowing what works best for your body.

  • Increasing your portion sizes steadily will bring you into a calorie surplus to help you put on healthy weight and muscle mass.

  • Macro nutrients like protein and carbohydrates are extremely important for building muscle and weight gain. Ensure you are consuming both macro's throughout the day.

  • Add sources of protein to your meals to boost the overall protein content in your daily intake to help encourage muscle building and growth. Have a protein shake to boost your overall protein intake - MUSCLE BUILDING SHAKE RECIPE HERE

  • Recommended Blog Post: Food Combinations for Proper Digestion


  • The chart below is a recommendation of what percentage of macro nutrients your overall daily calories should be coming from for gaining weight / bulking. This can be helpful to have a brief idea if you for example you need to eat more protein or less carbs to help you reach your specific goal!

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For Weight Gain: 

  • Aim to have 35-40% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Protein

Chicken, Fish, Turkey, Beef, Seafood, Yogurt, Tofu, Hemp, Quinoa, Legumes/Beans, Peas

  • Aim to have 50% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Complex Carbohydrates

Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains (Oats, Breads, Pastas), Sweet Potatoes/Potato, Rices, Honey

  • Aim to have 20% of your overall daily calorie intake coming from sources of Healthy Fat

Olive, Avocado and Coconut Oil, Avocado, Nuts and Seeds, Fish, Hemp Hearts

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