SUMMER IS HERE which means its time to kick it up a notch with my training!
This week I did a QUICK, crazy good booty building HIIT workout and incorporated some ab work along with it.
This workout is definitely a must try! Especially when the gym is busy/you don't go to a gym or you have little to no equipment. You don't need a gym membership or gym equipment to get a good effective workout.
The HIIT/home training program I have in my shop is for anyone who literally feels like what I just said above! Those who don't have access to a gym or exercises from home, for anyone who is new to exercise and intermediates to spice up there training and increase fat loss. Check out my shop for more information and all the details about my programs!
I included a few videos of some of the exercises in the workout. I hope you find them helpful and I hope you enjoy this workout XO
Treadmill, 10 minutes of interval running/sprinting
- 2 minutes speed walking, 2 minutes running/sprinting
Full body stretches before and after the workout.
30 seconds each exercise, repeat 4 times
A1. Medicine Ball Toss Burpee (video included)
A2. Reverse Crunches
30 seconds each, repeat 4 times'
B1. Squat In-Out Jumps
B2. Plank to Alternating Toe Touch (video included)
30 seconds each, repeat 4 times
C1. Kettle Bell Burpee (video included)
C2. V-Crunch
Repeat circuit 3 times.
A1. 20 second Plank Hold
A2. 20 second Plank Alternating Shoulder Taps (video included)
A3. 20 second Plank Alternating Arm Lifts (video included)
Medicine Ball Toss Burpee Kettle bell Burpee
Plank w/ Alternating Toe Tap Plank w/ Alternating Shoulder Tap + Arm Lift